Dream Theater
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Dear Mp3 Seeker:

As I mentioned before, the web host I am using (Fortune City), is no longer allowing file downloads any bigger then 3 megabytes.  So, I switched to My Space which was a virtual Hard drive.  Well, I recently got an email from someone saying that this process was asking for money.  Well, that is not what I wanted at all.  I did not do this for making any money.

Well, right now everything is F#&ked up, so at the moment, there is nothing I can do.  I am very truly sorry about that.  If you have any questions, or would like to try and set up some kind of arrangement, email me at [email protected].

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.


Here are some of my various rare Studio and Live Mp3s for Dream Theater.  I hope that you like them, and all I ask in return is that you sign my guest book, and if you know of any good sites to please fill me in.  If you want, and the sites are good enough, I'll even add them to my link pages.  Also, try checking out my other sites as well.

Thank you, and enjoy...

Need an MP3 player? Here are a few sites. I suggest Sonique.

Sometimes you will find an MP3 in zip format. If you do not have Winzip, or another zip file compressor, get one. I suggest Winzip

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